LPI – General Linux 2 (LPI102) – Exam Emulation
This is an emulation of the LPI General Linux 2 (LPI102) exam. It uses neither the same questions nor the same weighting of the results as the original exam. But the type and content of the questions should be similar and this may be a good training for the real exam.
The real exam has got about 60 to 70 questions and a time limit of 90 minutes to answer them. This emulation is somewhat scaled to about the half of the real exam and so you should be able to answer it in 45 minutes.
You have to login to use the exam emulation, if you haven’t got an account yet, you should create one, using the appropriate button. All results will be saved and you can visit your former results to view your improvements.
Please don’t use your back-button, but only the buttons of the scripts to navigate inside the exam. You can review all questions after finishing the last question…